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LJUSNE . SÖDERHAMN . what is a break?

När hon tvingas i skor av betong härdas hennes hud till kartong…
…så hon springer och springer,
springer långt ifrån fasaden,
springer igenom den hårda ytan,
i hopp om att få spräcka rutan,
men betongen den sitter fast.
Så hon sprintar och hoppar,
för att rusa allt hon kan,
tills hon spricker och krossar,
igenom den gråa huden hon bär.

…så hon vandrar och går,
bland flygande blad,
hon vandrar med huden bar,
från flyttblock till berg,
och med vinden hon traskar fram.
Hon blåser och tystnaden förblir,
och inget ekar när hon stormar till,
hon susar, hon lever och hon andas;
tills hon andas världen hon hör till.
Men när hon tvingas i skor av betong härdas hennes hud till kartong…
1507022133 //p

***Ruff transalation:
When she is forced into shoes of concrete her skin is cured to cardboard ...
... So she runs and runs,
runs far from the facade,
runs through the hard surface,
hoping to crack the frame,
but the concrete remains.
So she sprints and jumps,
rush everything she can,
until she cracks and crushes,
through the gray skin she wears.

... So she wanders and goes,
among flying leaves she is,
she walks with bare skin,
from boulder to rock,
and with the wind she moves forward.
She blows and the silence remains,
so when she storms nothing echoes,
She rustles, she exists and she breathes;
until she inhales the world she belongs to
But when she is forced into shoes of concrete her skin is cured to cardboard ...

The artwork Ljusne is a portrait, an instant when she takes a break from the big city in the town of Ljusne. The artwork is the result of my participation in Tomma rum Art in recidence in the town of Ljusne. It was exhibited as an installation at Konstkraft Ljusne summer 2015.

***Tomma rum